Monday, January 6, 2014

Crockpot Caramel
Crockpot Caramel
   I am a huge fanatic of taking things off of Pinterest and recreating them . Well most of the time I am successful there's always those bloopers! I have learned to stay clear of ideas/recipes that seemed  far too easy.
 I'm here to say the isn't the case on this crock pot Carmel. I have seen this idea floating around now for  sometime and haven't got time to get around to it and try it. During the holidays I decided we could give it a shot.  And let me tell you. It's a keeper and so  easy!
*One can of Sweetened Condensed milk
*One crockpot
* Paper towel 
Direction: Rip off 2 full sheets of paper towel, fold over and place at the bottom of the crockpot. Take one can of sweetened condensed milk and place it on top of the paper towels.  This keeps the can from rusting to the bottom of the crockpot. Slowly pour water into crockpot until water is covering the top of the can. Cook for 6-8 hrs on low and BAM you have yourself Carmel topping.
 Great with ice cream, in coffee and our personal favorite stir spoons with Mediterranean sea salt.



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